
Accelerating an Equitable Transition: A Data-Driven Approach

With the rising social, economic, and humanitarian consequences of extreme weather events such as floods and heatwaves, countries need to double down on the pace of the green transition. However, justice and equity considerations of climate action are surfacing, and the current policy and business toolkit is inadequate to forge an equitable transition, eroding public acceptance and policy stability.

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Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024

The energy transition is progressing but has lost momentum in the face of increasing global uncertainty, according to the World Economic Forum's Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024 report. The Energy Transition Index (ETI), which benchmarks 120 countries on their current energy system performance and on the readiness of their enabling environment, finds that while there has been notable progress in energy efficiency and a marked increase in the adoption of clean energy sources, energy transition momentum has been held back by setbacks in energy equity, driven by rising energy prices in recent years. Energy security also continues to be tested by geopolitical risks.
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The Global Gender Gap Index annually benchmarks the current state and evolution of gender parity across four key dimensions (Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment). It is the longest-standing index tracking the progress of numerous countries’ efforts towards closing these gaps over time since its inception in 2006.
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Marsh McLennanとZurich Insurance Groupと共に作成した『グローバルリスク報告書』は、急速な技術の革新、経済の不確実性、温暖化する地球、紛争などを背景に、今後10年間に直面する可能性のある最も深刻なリスクを探ります。協調が迫られる中、衰退した経済や社会は、わずかな衝撃でレジリエンスの限界点を超えてしまう可能性があります。
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The May 2024 Chief Economists Outlook explores key trends in the global economy, including the latest outlook for growth, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy, and the implications of recent geopolitical and domestic political developments. This series of reports draws on the individual and collective perspectives of a group of leading chief economists through consultations with the World Economic Forum’s Chief Economists Community and a regular Chief Economists Survey.
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The Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 is the second edition of an index that evolved from the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) series, a flagship index of the World Economic Forum that has been in production since 2007. The TTDI is part of the Forum’s broader work with industry and government stakeholders to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future for economies and local communities.
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This report, published in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, highlights the pivotal role of cities in leading the global fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. Coordinated city action for nature is not only vital to achieving the goals set by the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), but also strategically necessary given the climate-, health- and infrastructure-related urban challenges arising from existing unbalanced relationships with nature and the biosphere.
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The automotive industry is undergoing its most challenging transformation in over a century. The role of software in this transformation is so prominent that the new generation of vehicles are being referred to as “software-defined vehicles”. This paper provides a path to better streamline existing industry work on the vehicle software platform.
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Featured series


New Nature Economy

The reports provide pathways for business to be part of the transition to a nature-positive economy.
The Annual Report outlines the concrete progress the World Economic Forum made over the year in a variety of initiatives and demonstrates how the organization continues to be a bridge-builder in the increasingly complex world.
The annual Future of Jobs Report explores how jobs and skills will evolve. The report is based on unique survey data that details the expectations of a cross-section of the world’s largest employers related to how socio-economic and technology trends will shape the workplace of the future.
Marsh McLennanとZurich Insurance Groupと共に作成した『グローバルリスク報告書』は、急速な技術の革新、経済の不確実性、温暖化する地球、紛争などを背景に、今後10年間に直面する可能性のある最も深刻なリスクを探ります。協調が迫られる中、衰退した経済や社会は、耐久性の限界点をわずかな刺激で超える可能性があります。

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