Industry Engagement

Industry Engagement

The World Economic Forum’s 22 industry communities actively work to build a better future enabled by sustainable, inclusive, and resilient industry ecosystems. Innovation is leading to new value creation, driving equitable growth at scale, thus shaping responsible industry transformation empowering sustainable practices that benefit industries, communities, and the environment.


The Industry Communities focus on the following five key objectives:

1. Shape Industry Agendas: Lead industry transformation by harnessing the collective power of trusted communities to set agendas that drive positive change.

2. Enhance Future Preparedness: Foster industry resilience through forward-looking knowledge exchanges involving cross-industry and public sector stakeholders, ensuring readiness for upcoming challenges.

3. Drive Innovation and Adaptation: Identify pathways to accelerate innovation and new technology adoption by reimagining business and operating models, utilizing technology as a pivotal enabler.

4. Incubate Transformation: Incubate and amplify transformative ideas by catalyzing collaboration across partners, industries, Forum Centers, and regional teams, sparking actionable solutions.

5. Champion Common Standards: Contribute to progress by informing the development of universal standards that measure advancements consistently across industries.

Explore our Industry Communities below to learn more about their mission and priorities, and to discover the list of participating members.

Interested in becoming a partner of the Forum? Join us today and help shape a better future.



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