2024 Global Retail Investor Outlook

Retail investing has undergone a seismic shift. Global market activity, once dominated by institutional players now includes a rapidly growing share of individual investors. However, many investors still face barriers to participation, such as limited financial education, economic uncertainty and the complexity of evolving technology.
The 2024 Global Retail Investor Outlook, developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group and Robinhood Markets, explores the latest trends shaping retail investor behaviour. Based on a survey of 13,000 investors across 13 countries, it highlights key structural shifts, including expanded access to varied financial products, AI-driven platforms and demographic changes fuelling new market participation. The report spotlights the new wave of retail investors from traditionally underserved groups, including younger people, individuals from emerging markets and women.
By improving access, financial literacy and investment tools, the financial system can empower individuals to achieve their financial objectives and build long-term wealth while ensuring inclusive and successful market participation. Through its survey findings, the report provides actionable insights for policy-makers, industry leaders and investors alike.