「テクノロジー・パイオニア・コミュニティ」 新たにスタートアップ100社が発表


世界経済フォラムパブリックエンゲジメント 栃林直子 +81 3 3560 6093 naoko.tochibayashi@weforum.org

  • 世界経済フォラムサステナビリティアドバンスドマニュファクチャリングインクルシブヘルスケア分野おける最も有望テクノロジー・パイオニア100発表
  • テクノロジー・パイオニア、31カ国代表するグロバルコミュニティ今年パキスタンマレシア初めて加わりまし
  • 日本から周回衛星向けGSaaS (Ground Segment as a Service)プロバイダインフォステラ選出まし
  • 2023テクノロジー・パイオニア詳細こちら。627)~29開催れる、「ニュー・チャンピオン年次総会2023」についてこちら

2023621スイスジュネ - 世界経済フォラム革新テック企業100テクノロジー・パイオニアコミュニティ迎え入れましー・ステ革新技術スタトアップ企業構成れる2023選出企業最先端技通じヘルスケア再生可能エネルギなど分野新た切り開います

新た参画する選出企業幅広いイノベション持つ企業含まれますFarmerline農家農業関連企業政府結びつけこの分野課題に対するエンドー・エンド総合ソリュション形成ますまたイスラエルElectriq Globalから水素分離する新しい方法開拓燃料代わる再生可能エネルギ生み出します米国CarbonCapture大気中CO2直接捕捉する技術大気中CO2除去ます






ヘルスケア中国M20 Genomics病気効果診断適切治療提供するためシングルセル ケンス技術開発取り組んます韓国Dot視覚障害盲ろためスマトテクノロジパイオニア彼らより自立生活支援ます

アドバンスドマニュファクチャリング ボストンマテリアルズ米国軽量耐腐食性ありエネルギ拡散機能持つ先端材料開発ますまた英国本社置くMonolithさまざまな業界エンジニアリング領域専門高価時間かかるテスト減らし製品開発期間短縮すること可能ます




  • Alerzo (Nigeria): Offering on-demand inventory distribution and financial services for small informal stores while also providing real-time market trends, customer feedback and other consumer-purchasing data to brands and manufacturers
  • Dove Air (South Africa): Using advanced UAM (Urban Air Mobility) technology for aid delivery and maritime conservation
  • Farmerline (Ghana): An agtech start-up that provides information access, record-keeping services and communication to transform how farmers operate
  • Omnisient RF (South Africa): Creating a trust-by-design environment for businesses to collaborate on their first party data securely, quickly and easily while remaining compliant with consumer data privacy regulations
  • SunCulture (Kenya): Developing AgroSolar Irrigation Kit, an entirely solar-powered drip irrigation system, combining solar water pumping technology with high-efficiency drip irrigation
  • Shuttlers Metropolitan Mobility (Nigeria): Tech-enabled scheduled mass-transit solutions for individuals and companies
  • Vendease (Nigeria): An online marketplace that allows restaurants and other food businesses to buy supplies straight from manufacturers and farms

Asia Pacific

  • 5B Holdings (Australia): Developing a portable, prefabricated solar array to simplify how solar projects are delivered, using few materials and fast deployment, and streamlined logistics
  • Abhi (Pakistan): A financial wellness platform serving the under- and unbanked population, empowering blue collar workers by providing access to their earned wages
  • All-In Technology (China): Using big data and AI technology to build a full-stack, full-link and full-scenario industrial data intelligence platform
  • Beijing Botsing Technology (China): Developing a welding automation process for large-scale structural parts in industries such as the oil and gas chemical industry, shipbuilding and rail transit
  • Beijing Langboat Technology (China): A cognitive intelligence company based on natural language processing, digitally transforming organizations efficiently
  • CloudEats (Philippines): A cloud restaurant company creating next-generation digital brands and proprietary cloud kitchen technology
  • Dot (Republic of Korea): Developing technology and infrastructure such as barrier-free kiosks and tactile pads for the vision-impaired and the deaf-blind
  • Endowus (Singapore): A digital wealth management platform, helping investors grow wealth with expert advice and access to institutional financial solutions
  • evolutionQ (India): Offering quantum-safe cybersecurity products to help clients in deploying and managing quantum technologies across their networks
  • Feiliu Technology (China): Utilizing AI technology to connect fabric suppliers, garment factories, industrial workers, e-commerce and brand owners
  • Giftolexia Solutions (India): Developing a deep technology enabled screening tool to identify the risk of dyslexia in schoolchildren by analysing gaze pattern
  • Infostellar (Japan): Developing space communications infrastructure and cloud-based satellite antenna sharing platform
  • Motovis Intelligent Technologies (China): Developing advanced AI embedded solutions on automotive chips for driving products and solutions
  • M20 Genomics (China): Developing a single-cell sequencing platform that can detect nearly 10,000 genes in single cells or single nuclei of fresh samples and frozen samples, enabling clients to improve the efficiency of bacterial research
  • Next Big Innovation Labs (India): Developing customizable 3D bioprinter to bridge the gap between organ demand and availability via 3D bioengineered organs
  • Nuvilab (Republic of Korea): Providing personalized healthcare and eco-friendly cafeteria solutions through AI-enhanced food scanners
  • Pix Moving (China): Developing a smart vehicle chassis platform that adopts a new architecture of software-defined vehicle, simplifying the R&D process and lowering the innovation entry barrier for smart vehicles
  • Private AI (Canada): Developing privacy-preserving machine learning and natural language-processing tools
  • Smardaten Technologies (China): Developing a big data and no-code technology to streamline the delivery of projects in organizations
  • Shiok Meats (Singapore): A cellular aquaculture and cell-based meat company, with a mission to bring clean and healthy meats and seafood by harvesting from cells instead of animals
  • StockKnowledge (Philippines): Developing a gamification learning platform that effectively increases users’ aptitude, is secure, reliable and empowering for students and teachers alike
  • S2W (Republic of Korea): A data intelligence company specialized in cyber threat intelligence, brand/digital abuse and blockchain.
  • TurtleTree Labs (Singapore): A biotech company committed to creating a new generation of sustainable food through a precision fermentation technology
  • Trust Now (Beijing) Technology (China): A platform using AI/ML to make compliance work easier and far less costly for the companies that have compliance obligations
  • URBANMETRY (Malaysia): Developing a platform that harvests, cleans and analyses large amounts of city data through AI and proprietary algorithms to extract trends and patterns in the built environment
  • Varadise (China): Building next-generation digital twin platform for construction Industry to ensure a seamless digital project delivery
  • viacT (China): Optimizing construction safety, productivity and environmental compliance with automated construction management software/app.
  • Xacmaz Technology (India): Developing a platform that converts satellite data into climate intelligence for climate risk, ESG investing and carbon markets.


  • Altruistiq (United Kingdom): Developing a platform that enables large enterprises with complex supply chains to automate sustainability data measurement, management and exchange, with accuracy and ease
  • Blackshark.ai (Austria): Building a synthetic, realistic 3D replica of the surface of the planet with semantic information derived from 2D satellite and aerial imagery
  • Energy Dome (Italy): Developing a proprietary technology based on a thermodynamic process that uses CO2 to store electricity cost-effectively with unprecedented round-trip efficiencies
  • Enigio (Sweden): Providing solutions using cryptographic key pairs to ensure the consistency, integrity and traceability of digital data and protect it from manipulation
  • Goodwall (Switzerland): Developing a data-driven platform that helps young people to nurture the right set of skills to gain access to educational and work-related opportunities
  • hundo (United Kingdom): A social impact B2B2C and on-chain augmented skills learning platform for Gen-Z to up-skill for the future of work
  • instagrid (Germany): Providing portable battery storage solutions to easily create mobile power infrastructures
  • Lynx (France): Designing AR/VR headsets helping customers in medical and industrial fields solve critical problems like remote assistance and professional training
  • Monolith AI (United Kingdom): Building a no-code AI software to reduce engineers to spend less time running expensive and repetitive tests
  • MobyFly (Switzerland): Developing zero-emission hydrofoil boats with cutting-edge foil design, electronic systems and battery technology to ensure cost-effective reliability for operators and a pleasant, comfortable experience for their passengers
  • Notpla (United Kingdom): A sustainable packaging start-up that develops a material derived from seaweed and plants
  • Panaseer (United Kingdom): Developing a continuous controls monitoring platform for enterprise cybersecurity, showing every asset, application, user and data set across IT estate in real-time
  • Papercup (United Kingdom): Automating large parts of the dubbing process so content owners can localize their videos at scale, faster and at a fraction of the price of traditional methods
  • Qover (Belgium): An embedded insurance orchestration platform, aiming to create a global safety net with insurance that empowers people to live life to the fullest
  • Resolution Games (Sweden): A games studio forging a world-class catalogue of titles that bring players into the richest VR and AR worlds possible
  • SunRoof International (Sweden): Creating a 2-in-1 smart solar roofs and innovative facades that produce solar power efficiently
  • Transmutex (Switzerland): Using particle accelerators to transmute long-lived nuclear waste which, in turn, produces carbon-free energy
  • Twinco (Spain): Providing suppliers, both large and small, with access to affordable funding and helps buyers build a competitive and socially responsible supply chain
  • Vaultree (Ireland): Developing a fully functional data-in-use encryption solution that solves persistent data encryption

Latin America

  • Osana (Argentina): Developing a digital solution targeted at healthcare providers to facilitate care navigation for the end user (patient)
  • DIO (Brazil): The largest open education tech community in LATAM to expose users to study tech for free in their scalable platform and practical methodology that connects the best talents with job opportunities in large corporates
  • Menta (Argentina): Providing a technology infrastructure that enables B2B companies to offer payments and financial services to their network of merchants
  • Oxygen Foundation (Brazil): An ecosystem of financial services and technology that provides an integrated financing model for sustainable social development, focusing on the unbanked population
  • Noh Pay (Brazil): Brazil's first multi-payer joint social wallet, offering groups seamless and real-time payments and other financial services
  • Yuno (Colombia): Enabling any company to accept all the available payment methods and manage fraud through a single integration

Middle East and North Africa

  • AIVF (Israel): Developing an AI software platform to help fertility clinics optimize IVF processes and outcomes for individuals seeking assisted reproductive technology
  • Aporia Technologies (Israel): A full-stack ML observability platform that enables data science and ML teams to monitor, explain and improve their ML models
  • Electriq Global (Israel): Developing a zero-emission Electriq fuel that is inert, safe, energy-efficient, easy to transport, recyclable and with superior energy density
  • OX Security (Israel): Developing end-to-end software supply chain security solution that empowers DevSecOps teams with visibility, security and integrity
  • Rebound (United Arab Emirates): A global B2B marketplace, facilitating the movement of quality assured recycled plastic feedstock to fulfil the current supply-demand gap
  • Tastewise Technologies (Israel): Helping businesses measure and anticipate how consumers cook, order and eat by using AI.
  • TIRPORT (Turkey): Offering end-to-end logistics solution that combines a freight marketplace with company drivers and strategic partnerships to provide a range of services
  • Wilco (Israel): An immersive upskilling platform for software developers

North America

  • Apriori Bio (USA): Developing a platform to survey the entire landscape of existing and potential viral variants to design new vaccines and antibody drugs against the most threatening variants
  • Bayesian Health (USA): Offering an adaptive AI/ML platform that forecasts declining trajectories within a hospital/health system's patient population
  • Bloomer Tech (USA): Using everyday fabrics and ML for personalized detection, monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases
  • Boston Materials (USA): Developing a patented Z-axis Fiber™, a lightweight material that has an extraordinary ability to diffuse energy
  • CarbonCapture (USA): Designing modular and upgradeable direct air capture systems that remove CO2 from the atmosphere and permanently dispose of it underground
  • ClimateAI (USA): Providing short and long-term insights into weather and climate impact by applying AI to climate-risk modelling
  • e-Zinc (Canada): Developing an electrochemical technology for storing energy in zinc, providing a low-cost, flexible and long-duration energy storage solution
  • Floreo (USA): Leveraging virtual reality to improve social, behavioural, communication and life skills for individuals with autism spectrum disorder
  • Formic Technologies (USA): Developing Robot as a Service (RaaS) solution for factories to operate more efficiently and faster
  • Fork & Goode (USA): Creating cell-based pure animal proteins and fats that are clean, traceable and delicious
  • Gameto (USA): Developing a therapeutic for IVF and egg freezing, aiming to make the process shorter, safer and more effective
  • Huue (USA): Using biotechnology to create a cost-effective, resource-efficient and sustainable dyeing alternative
  • Intenseye (USA): Developing a computer-vision enabled platform that reduces unseen hazards in manufacturing sites
  • KODE Labs (USA): Developing a smart building OS that organizes the data to make operations smarter, simpler and more cost-effective
  • MOGUL (USA): Developing a data-driven talent acquisition platform that best matches diverse individuals to organizations that are in need of the right skills
  • Odyssey Energy Solutions (USA): Providing financiers and renewable energy project developers a data-driven software platform to aggregate and scale investment in distributed renewable energy
  • Orbit Fab (USA): Offering a supply of satellite propellant in Earth Orbit that expands the operational potential of new and existing space assets
  • Pano AI (USA): Using deep-learning AI and computer vision to automatically detect, verify and classify wildfire events in real time
  • Radiant Industries (USA): Developing a compact nuclear reactor with all equipment necessary to generate electricity in a mass producible and easily transportable package
  • Seal Storage Technology (Canada): Developing a carbon-neutral, decentralized cloud storage built on Web 3.0
  • X-Analytics (USA): Developing the X-Analytics cyber risk analytics application to create a better way for organizations to understand and manage cyber risk
  • ShadowDragon (USA): Developing digital intelligence solutions that collect, analyse, correlate and visualize data to help organizations strengthen cyber security, interdict the activities of bad actors and identify legally defensible attribution
  • Sublime Systems (USA): Developing technology that eliminates CO2 emissions from cement with a process that uses ambient temperature electrochemistry
  • Sylvatex (USA): Developing a proprietary waterless process producing cathode active material (CAM) that uses fewer steps and less energy in battery production
  • SYKY (USA): A Web3 platform designed to support creatives who are looking to sell both physical and digital renditions on their designs, as well as offering a space to trade products, share news and chat
  • Twelve Labs (USA): Building an AI-powered platform to understand the context of videos
  • TripleBlind (USA): A platform that drives data collaboration in healthcare by automatically de-identifying data
  • Umba (USA): Developing a platform that allows users to apply, draw down and repay loans directly from their smartphone, providing easier and accessible banking to Africans
  • UrbanFootprint (USA): Developing a comprehensive urban, climate and community resilience data system that provides insights to the institutions that are rebuilding, financing and insuring the world's physical and social infrastructure
  • VEIR (USA): Developing a new electricity transmission approach by using high-temperature superconductors
  • WorkWhile (USA): A data-driven labour marketplace that connects the most reliable hourly wage earners to shifts that fit their skills, schedules and location


2000発足Technology Pioneersコミュニティ新しい技術イノベション設計開発展開携わりビジネス社会大きなインパクト与える準備整っいる世界ー・ステ企業構成ます世界経済フォラムこのコミュニティ官民と関わり今日喫緊課題克服将来レジリエンス強靭性築くため新しい解決貢献するためプラットフォ提供ます



14回ニュー・チャンピオン年次総会(AMNC)、627から29まで中華人民共和天津「Entrepreneurship(起業家精)」開催ます: "グロバル経済原動力 "という開催ますこの会議イノベション起業家精成長促進より公平持続可能かつ強靭世界経済実現するため機運新たます


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