
Teenagers' maths and reading skills are dropping sharply

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Teenagers across the globe are struggling with math and reading, with new data showing a sharp decline in scores since 2018. This alarming trend, however, is not inevitable. Top-performing countries offer valuable lessons on how to turn the tide and equip students with the skills they need for the future.

The 2022 OECD PISA test, administered to almost 700,000 15-year-olds, paints a concerning picture. Reading scores have fallen by an average of 10 points, while math scores have plummeted by 15 points – equivalent to losing 9 months of learning.

While school closures during the pandemic played a role, experts point to deeper structural issues within education systems as the main culprit.

Top performers in teenager's math and reading skills

Singapore stands out as a beacon of hope. Its students not only topped the PISA rankings but also achieved the highest scores in every subject tested. Hong Kong SAR, Japan, and South Korea also excelled in math, while Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China dominated the reading rankings.

What sets these high-performing countries apart? Watch the video.

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