
From mitigation to tipping points, 5 key climate terms explained

This video is part of: 自然と気候

Climate change can feel overwhelming, with endless scientific jargon and complex challenges. However, understanding a few key terms can empower us to engage in meaningful conversations and take informed action. Let's delve into five essential concepts:

1. Mitigation

Mitigation is the fire hose – stopping the heat before it gets worse. Ditch the fossil fuels, grab the sun and wind, and crank down on those emissions.

2. Adaptation

Adaptation is like building firebreaks: we can't stop the embers, but we can protect ourselves from the flames. Planting trees cools cities, seawalls shield coasts - it's about smart prep for a changing climate.

3. Carbon neutral

Carbon neutral is like balancing a giant seesaw: stop adding CO2 (emissions down) and suck some back out (removals up). We gotta slash emissions and plant trees, maybe even use fancy tech, to get that cosmic zero.

4. Tipping points

Tipping points are like a seesaw ready to topple – one push and things change forever. We gotta stop them before the ice melts, floods the cities, and it's too late. Mitigation and adaptation are our firetrucks and life rafts – gotta act fast!

5. Sustainable development

Sustainable development is like building a fire-proof city. We gotta meet our needs now, but also plant trees, save energy, and get ready for a wilder world. The Centre for Nature and Climate is like our fire truck, helping us build a greener, cleaner future for everyone.

Climate ActionNature and Biodiversity


Andrea Willige




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