As population growth in Japan continues to concentrate in Tokyo, regional cities are making efforts to build startup ecosystems to retain talent and boost their local economies.
A stable and secure energy supply is essential for a well-functioning society. In response to recent geopolitical uncertainty and the ongoing climate crisis, Japan is actively transitioni...
Garantizar a todos los niños el acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad es clave para construir una sociedad resiliente. En Japón, se están llevando a cabo esfuerzos para abordar el ...
Ensuring all children equal access to quality education is key to building a resilient society. In Japan, efforts are underway to address the growing number of children who encounter chal...
As global climate risks and political instability grow, building a resilient society has become increasingly vital. One key to achieving this is strengthening human connections within loc...
Plastic pollution plays a significant role in fueling the ongoing environmental crisis. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), global plastic prod...
Ageing populations are posing a wide range of challenges in countries around the world. In Japan, the challenge includes ensuring safety on the road, with rising numbers of senior drivers...
The global rise of e-commerce (EC) has driven an increase in demand for logistics. In Japan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) reports that over the past ...