Extensive experience in law department management, litigation, securities, intellectual property and competition issues. Currently, Executive Vice-President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Qualcomm; as chief legal officer, responsible for overseeing worldwide legal affairs, including litigation, intellectual property and corporate matters. Qualcomm's Government Affairs, Strategic Intellectual Property, Internal Audit and Compliance organizations also report to him. Former Adjunct Professor of Law, Pace University School of Law, New York, teaching courses in intellectual property and antitrust law.
Vivimos en una época en la que las palabras destinadas a representar ideas significativas o únicas están tan sobreutilizadas que se han trivializado. "Revolucionario" es una de esas palab...
We live in a time when words meant to represent significant or unique ideas are so overused they have been trivialized. “Revolutionary” is such a word, a victim of hyperbolic marketing th...
It is not an easy time to be an internationalist, to seek global solutions to global problems amid what feels like one of history’s periodic inclinations toward divisiveness.
Industrial revolutions rarely feel revolutionary as they unfold, amid the incremental inventions that add up to epochal change. Only in hindsight do the ambitions of the revolutionary inv...