Let’s start with the good news. As a tech-native industry, the telecommunications industry is used to integrating new technologies into its operations. The sector has over a decade of exp...
En la Era Inteligente, las tasas de adopción, el acceso a datos y la interconectividad son fuerzas impulsoras detrás de toda empresa exitosa. Para cada uno de esos parámetros, el factor d...
The World Economic Forum’s Digital Trust Framework was created to support decision makers align around three goals: security and reliability; accountability and oversight; inclusive, ethi...
Digital trust has become increasingly important in the intelligent age, where technologies impact our everyday lives. The World Economic Forum’s Digital Trust Framework was created to hel...
In the rapidly evolving intelligent age, where digital trust is increasingly important, the tech sector has a responsibility to its stakeholders to ensure the technologies and services th...
In the intelligent age, adoption rates, access to data, and interconnectivity are driving forces behind every successful enterprise. For every one of those parameters, the make-or-break f...
Cuánta energía consume la IA? Se lo preguntamos a ChatGPT y esto es lo que dijo:
How much energy does AI use? Ask ChatGPT and this is what it says:
Ciento ochenta y un zettabytes. Esa es la cantidad de datos que se espera que se creen, capturen, copien y consuman en todo el mundo en 2025, casi tres veces más que en 2020.