Graduate, School of Economics, National Autonomous University of Mexico; Master's in Development Finance, Leeds University, UK. Formerly, President and Chief Executive Officer: Bancomext, the National Bank of Foreign Trade; Nafinsa, the National Development Bank, Mexico. 1989, Deputy Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance; headed negotiating team which renegotiated Mexico's external public debt; co-chaired financial affairs team for NAFTA; 1994, Secretary for International Affairs, PRI; 1994-97, Minister of Foreign Affairs; 1998-2000, Minister of Finance; 2000-06, member of several private business boards and advisory boards; active in non-profit organizations; since 2006, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum.
What took a decade to achieve unravelled within a matter of months. It seems like another age, but the start of 2020 had marked a decade of decline in the unemployment rate of the world’s...
Discontent with globalization is a key factor behind the temptation to advance policy goals through unilateral actions rather than by working together. Notwithstanding the major net posit...
PARIS – De la ferme à l’assiette, les défis auxquels la communauté internationale est confrontée dans ses efforts pour éliminer la faim et la malnutrition sont de plus en plus nombreux. P...
La cooperación internacional está sometida a grandes tensiones. Las voces que propugnan el proteccionismo y el nacionalismo cobran fuerza. Cada vez más, los gobiernos persiguen sus objeti...