発行: 2024年3月27日

The Future of the Care Economy

In the face of recent global crises, the essential role of the care economy has surged to the forefront of economic and social policy discussions.

In the face of recent global crises, the essential role of the care economy has surged to the forefront of economic and social policy discussions.

This white paper by the Global Future Council on the Future of the Care Economy calls on leaders worldwide to prioritize the care sector. It sheds light on the state of the care economy, emphasizing its critical importance to economic growth and societal well-being.

Focusing on overcoming systemic inequities and adapting to demographic changes, employment trends and skill requirements, the paper identifies care as a key driver of prosperity.

A proposed framework encourages collaboration across sectors to enhance care systems, incorporating design principles and success factors for robust development. Additionally, it highlights exemplary practices that can reshape caring organizations, economies and societies.

By advocating for strategic investments in the care economy, the paper argues for its potential to increase productivity, ensure gender parity and reduce inequalities, paving the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future.





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