発行: 2024年11月19日

Shared Commitments in a Blended Reality: Advancing Governance in the Future Internet

Regardless of the name given to the next major evolution of the internet, the future will see users deeply engaged with a network of converging and integrated frontier technologies. Governance for the future internet must take this into account and reaffirm the core overarching principles governance efforts are meant to enable and sustain.

Regardless of the name given to the next major evolution of the internet, the future will see users deeply engaged with a network of converging and integrated frontier technologies. Governance for the future internet must take this into account and reaffirm the core overarching principles governance efforts are meant to enable and sustain.

This World Economic Forum white paper, written in collaboration with Accenture, explores governance for the future of the internet, advocating for shared, tech-agnostic commitments to good governance. These commitments can preserve governance standards in a paradigm of rapid innovation and sustain them as new technologies enter digital ecosystems. Addressing over 150 global experts' insights, the paper calls for alignment on eight core commitments and positions stakeholders to address governance as tied to non-technical outcomes and utility.

The internet is rapidly evolving; it is crucial for governance to do the same.





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