発行: 2019年10月8日

Global Competitiveness Report 2019

Appendix A

This appendix first presents the methodology and detailed structure of the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 (GCI 4.0) in Section A. Section B lists the minor changes made to the methodology of the Index in 2019. Section C details the methods used to impute missing data points and reports the imputed values by indicator. Section D presents the methodology used to compute progress scores. Finally, Section E provides detailed descriptions and sources for each indicator included in the Index.

A. Computation and Composition of the GCI 4.0

The computation of the GCI 4.0 is based on successive aggregations of scores, from the indicator level (the most disaggregated level) to the overall GCI 4.0 score (the highest level). At every aggregation level, each aggregated measure is computed by taking the average (i.e. arithmetic mean) of the scores of its components, with a few exceptions described in Section D. The overall GCI 4.0 score is the average of the scores of the 12 pillars.

For individual indicators, prior to aggregation, raw values are transformed into a progress score ranging from 0 to 100, with 100 being the ideal state. See Section D for more details.

In the list below, weights are rounded to one decimal place, but full precision is used in the computation. Weight (%) within immediate parent category

Read the complete Appendix here.



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