発行済: 10 11月 2021

Clean Skies for Tomorrow: Sustainable Aviation Fuel Policy Toolkit

Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) is an initiative to help the aviation sector move towards net-zero emissions. It is doing that by accelerating the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) is an initiative to help the aviation sector move towards net-zero emissions. It is doing that by accelerating the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

While significant progress has been made and clear ambition established in both the public and private sector, to be successful, regulatory and policy frameworks need to be in place that allow for increased investment across the entire value chain, foster demand and set high sustainability standards.

This toolkit provides a helpful resource to policy-makers around the world. It includes a range of policy options to support the scaled production and use of SAF in their regions. The toolkit draws from the experience and diversity of the CST SAF Ambassadors group and the wider CST community. These policy options are a cross-section of the most influential mechanisms but are not prescriptive. Policy-makers should undertake their own national analysis and adapt the recommendations to the local context before any implementation.

The development of this toolkit was led by the World Economic Forum and the Energy Transitions Commission in close cooperation with the CST SAF Ambassadors group.





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