発行済: 20 6月 2017

Advancing Human-Centred Economic Progress in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Develop a new narrative vision and practical policy agenda to advance a more human-centred model of economic growth and development. Aimed at ensuring that the technological progress of the 21st century augments rather than substitutes for human potential and employment around the world, this effort would place people and their living standards at the heart of economic policy by seeking to design social inclusion more explicitly into:

Develop a new narrative vision and practical policy agenda to advance a more human-centred model of economic growth and development. Aimed at ensuring that the technological progress of the 21st century augments rather than substitutes for human potential and employment around the world, this effort would place people and their living standards at the heart of economic policy by seeking to design social inclusion more explicitly into:

- the normative context within which the advanced technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution develop and diffuse, through greater use of agile, informal governance processes of dialogue and feedback involving business, academic, civil society and governmental stakeholders;

- the central logic of national economic policy and international economic cooperation, by reconceptualising structural economic reform as an ongoing process of continuous improvement across 15 demand- and supply-side areas of structural policy and institutional strength, the combined effect of which is to diffuse opportunity, income, security and quality of life more widely as part of the growth process; and

- the enabling environment for human capital formation and labour markets, through a concerted process of modernization and increased investment across five areas: active labor market policies; equity of access to quality basic education; gender parity; non-standard work benefits and protections; and school-to-work transition.





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