Thomas Crampton helps VC funds and their portfolio companies to position themselves for follow-on capital.
A former foreign correspondent for The New York Times and International Herald Tribune, Thomas went on to hold global leadership roles at the marketing and communications agencies Ogilvy & Mather and Edelman before moving into startups, including help co-found a healthtech start-up from a Zoom call through Series A as well as lead all of Corporate Affairs at GreenLight Biosciences for the biotech’s Nasdaq listing as a Unicorn.
Los innovadores enfrentan un problema interesante. La mayoría se enfoca en desarrollar una tecnología que cambie el mundo, no en cómo explicarla. Pero para tener éxito, deben vender el va...
Innovators face an interesting problem. Most focus on developing a world-changing technology, not how to explain it. But to be successful they must sell the value of their technology to i...
¿Es seguro comer plátanos? Por supuesto. Pero hace 20 años, una noticia falsa convenció a la gente de que los plátanos contenían bacterias carnívoras. Los Centros para el Control de Enfer...
Are bananas safe to eat? Of course. But 20 years ago, a hoax persuaded people that bananas contained flesh-eating bacteria. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stepped in, setting up a ...