日本のTrusted Webが目指すデジタルガバナンスの向上
Dr. Takanori Fujita is a Project Lead of Healthcare Data Project at World Economic Forum Centre for the Forth Industrial Revolution Japan and Project Lecturer of Keio University School of Medicine. He received his M.D. from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine, and his J.D. from the University of Tokyo School of Law. His research focuses on health law and policy, especially personal information or privacy laws in medical field and the application of artificial intelligence to medical practice. He is an expert advisory member of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and has participated in many cutting-edge research projects.
The internet has extended people’s power by increasing their ability to store, share, and search for information. On the downside, however, its advertising-driven revenue model has led to...
The digital revolution in healthcare offers the promise of better health and longer lives for people around the world. New digital tools can help doctors and patients to predict, prevent ...
Healthcare is undergoing a digital revolution. Big Data, mobile devices and other innovations are opening up new frontiers in medicine, a trend that has become especially visible during t...
The use of contact tracing apps during the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked debate about the impact of such tools on privacy and human rights. Contact tracing apps can be powerful weapons ag...
As countries around the world struggle to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the issue of government intervention into the private lives of citizens has come into sharpened focus...