継続的に信頼関係を構築する方法 - 日本の経験から得られる教訓
Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) since 2019. Formerly, President and Chief Executive Officer, overseeing the growth of revenues from $25 billion to $37 billion, expanding the global workforce from 68,000 to 80,000 and doubling the number of employees outside Japan to 28,000. Began career with MHI in 1972 at the Hiroshima Machinery Works immediately following graduation from the University of Tokyo. Has held numerous management roles throughout MHI and has spent career promoting global marketing, engineering and manufacturing efficiencies and customer-focused service strategies. 2000-06, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery. 1999, General Manager, Heavy Machinery Department, Machinery Headquarters; 2008, Executive Vice-President, Head of Machinery & Steel Structures Headquarters. Since 2008, Member of the MHI Board of Directors; 2011, Senior Executive Vice-President and Head, Presidential Administration Office. 2013, named President and Chief Executive Officer, MHI; since 2014, Non-Executive Member of the Board, Mitsubishi Motors; since 2019, Director, Mitsubishi Corporation. Degree, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo; MBA, Graduate Business Programme, University of Chicago. Interests: playing tennis and golf, unsolved problems of Number Theory, etc.
Cuando se trata de crecimiento económico, rentabilidad empresarial e innovación en software y servicios, Japón ha tenido poco que enseñar al mundo en los últimos 30 años. Pero si nos cent...
When it comes to economic growth, corporate profitability and innovation in software and services, Japan has had little to teach the world over the past 30 years. But if we turn to issues...
Most nations today recognize both the importance and the urgency of the battle against global warming; but there are still significant differences on how best to achieve net zero greenhou...
A disruptor and a fresh start, though unexpected: the coronavirus pandemic has brought immeasurable grief and hardship, but it has also created unprecedented momentum for deep and structu...
2050年までにネットゼロを達成する – わずか1年前にははるか遠くにみえたビジョンが、いま技術的には現実味を帯び、その可能性も見えてきています。
Net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050: what even a year ago seemed a distant vision is now becoming technically realistic - and possible.
The world is in the middle of an era of unprecedented change. And that is both exciting and challenging.