Swiss Federal Professional Certificate of Business; Graduate, AMP, Oxford, UK. 1987-2004, with Merrill Lynch, including: 1993, Head, European Equity Derivatives; 1996, Head, Global Equity Derivatives, NY; 1997-99, Head, Global Equity Linked Products; 1999-2001, Head, Equity Markets, EMEA; 2001-04, Senior Vice-President and Co-Head, Global Equity Markets; Member, Operations Committee; Vice-Chairman, Capital Markets. Prior to April 2011, with UniCredit Group: 2005, Head, Markets and Investment Banking; 2007-10, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head, Corporate and Investment Banking and Private Banking. April - September 2011, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, UBS Group EMEA. Since September 2011, Group Chief Executive Officer, UBS.