Las principales historias de tecnología de 2024
Ha sido un año destacado para los titulares tecnológicos. En junio de 2024, el Foro publicó su informe Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024.
Member of the Executive Committee and heading Network and Partnerships in the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution; prior to that, Head of Programming and Deputy Head of the Global Programming Group, responsible for our Annual Meetings in Davos and China and our expert communities; certified facilitator, public speaker, regular commentator on issues at the intersection of technology, society, and the economy; Professor of Practice at the University of Geneva and the Technical University of Munich, amongst others.
Ha sido un año destacado para los titulares tecnológicos. En junio de 2024, el Foro publicó su informe Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024.
It's been a year of technology headlines. In June 2024, the Forum released its Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024 report.
Según un nuevo informe de McKinsey & Company, el consumo eléctrico de los centros de datos europeos se triplicará de aquí a 2030 y requerirá un gran aumento del suministro de electric...
Power consumption by data centres in Europe is set to triple by 2030 and will require a big rise in electricity supply from mostly low-carbon sources, according to a new report from McKin...
Technology giants Snap and Meta have unveiled new augmented reality (AR) glasses as the firms look to develop wearable tech hardware that can rival or replace smartphones.
Drones piloted by artificial intelligence (AI), rather than humans, could soon work together in teams to prevent wildfires, say researchers.
The first fully automated dental procedure on a human has been completed in Barranquilla, Colombia. US-based company Perceptive used a robotic arm, artificial intelligence and 3D imaging ...
The European Space Agency has successfully launched a new rocket into space. The Ariane-6 took off from French Guiana on 9 July.
En un mundo cambiante de ideas cambiantes, ¿qué tecnologías emergentes deberían estar en la agenda de los responsables políticos, los empresarios y los ciudadanos en los próximos años?
In a fast-changing world of transient ideas, which emerging technologies should be on the agenda of decision-makers, entrepreneurs and citizens in the years to come?
SpaceX y Boeing lograron este mes nuevos hitos en vuelos de prueba espaciales.
SpaceX and Boeing both achieved new milestones in June with crucial test flights.
La tormenta geomagnética más fuerte de los últimos 20 años azotó la Tierra el 11 de mayo, causando interrupciones y perturbaciones en las redes eléctricas, la tecnología de banda ancha y ...
The strongest geomagnetic storm in 20 years hit Earth on 11 May, causing disruptions to power grids, broadband technology and GPS satellites in space, Quartz reported.