Sanjay Sarma is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and stepped down as Vice President for Open Learning at MIT after 10 years. The Office of Open Learning includes: OpenCourseWare which was the pioneer in open educational resource creation, and has seen more than 500 million visitors in 20 years; MITx – a pioneer in MOOCs; the MicroMasters an online credentialing programme developed at MIT and edX and now adopted by over 25 universities on four continents; the Jameel World Education Lab, a consortium of universities working together on the future of education; and the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative, a research centre exploring the science of learning. Sarma is the author of the upcoming book, Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn. Sarma is also known for his leadership in the development of modern RFID and the internet of things. He serves on the Boards and advisory boards of several private, public and private.
La enseñanza superior se encuentra atrapada en un angustioso dilema. Por un lado, los empresarios han expresado una creciente preocupación por la desconexión entre la educación y la emple...
Higher education finds itself trapped in a distressing quandary. On the one hand, employers have voiced increasing concerns about the disconnect between education and employability. On th...
COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto dramático en la vida de todo el planeta, y se espera que pocas cosas vuelvan a la antigua normalidad en un futuro próximo. Sin embargo, para la educación, se...
COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on life across the planet, and few things are expected to return to the old normal anytime soon. For education, though, a new normal is urgently needed.