El otoño pasado, dieciséis líderes de gobiernos, empresas y organizaciones internacionales se reunieron en Nueva York para llevar a cabo una respuesta simulada a una hipotética emergencia...
L'automne dernier, seize dirigeants de gouvernements, d'entreprises et d'organisations internationales se sont réunis à New York pour mener une simulation de réponse à une hypothétique ur...
Last fall, sixteen leaders from governments, businesses and international organizations gathered in New York to conduct a simulated response to a hypothetical global health emergency. We ...
If you found yourself in Liverpool in the late 18th century it wouldn't have been entirely unexpected to witness a fire, threatening stocks of tobacco, sugar and cotton that arrived daily...
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the deadliest epidemic in history - the 1918 Spanish Influenza outbreak, which killed around 50 million people.