4 areas of focus in energy at Davos 2025
This year’s Annual Meeting was an eventful one when it comes to energy. Many of the biggest topics being discussed – geopolitics, artificial intelligence (AI), the new US administration –...
Degree in Business and Economics, University of Turin. Formerly with: Unifarma, Finconsumo, Telecom Italia. 1995-2009, with BP International: 1995-97, Marketing Manager Lubricants, France; 1997-99, Sales Manager LPG, Poland; 1999-2000, Global Supply Manager, UK; 2000-03, Business Manager, Marine, France, Benelux and North Africa; 2003-04, Chief of Staff to Group Vice-President, Business to Business and New Markets; 2004-06, General Manager, Business Development, India; 2006-09, Director, Emerging Consumers Markets, BP Alternative Energy, UK. Since August 2009, current position. Recipient of awards.
This year’s Annual Meeting was an eventful one when it comes to energy. Many of the biggest topics being discussed – geopolitics, artificial intelligence (AI), the new US administration –...
Big tech firms’ rising energy use made many headlines in 2024 as artificial intelligence (AI) technologies drive increased energy demand from data centres.
Hard-to-abate sectors, such as steel, aluminium, cement, chemicals, oil and gas, aviation, shipping and trucking, have made progress towards achieving net-zero emissions, with a 0.9% redu...
Según un nuevo informe de la Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA, por sus siglas en inglés), existe una "brecha significativa" entre los anuncios políticos sobre energía r...
There is a “significant gap” between political announcements around renewable energy and the actual plans and policies countries have in place, according to a new report from the Internat...
“Surging investment” in clean power and grids is expected to continue at least in the short to medium term.
Google firmó un acuerdo para comprar energía de reactores nucleares modulares pequeños, en un movimiento que la empresa describió como un "hito mundial".
Google has signed an agreement to buy power from small modular nuclear reactors, in a move the company has described as a "world first".
A group of some of the world's biggest banks and financial institutions have said they will increase their support for nuclear energy.
European energy prices have dropped below zero for a record number of hours in 2024, the Financial Times reports.
Las fuentes de energía con cero emisiones de carbono representaron más del 40% de la electricidad generada en el mundo por primera vez en la historia el año pasado, según un nuevo estudio.
Zero-carbon sources made up over 40% of the electricity the world generated for the first time ever last year, according to new research.
Britain’s energy regulator has approved a $4.35 billion 2 gigawatt electricity ‘superhighway’ from Scotland to Yorkshire, England.
Global electricity demand is expected to rise sharply in 2024 and 2025, says a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Almost all of the countries surveyed by the World Economic Forum in its annual Energy Transition Index have made progress towards switching to clean sources in the past decade.