Ric Fulop

Academic appointment, new manufacturing techniques, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MBA, Sloan Fellow, MIT Sloan School of Management. Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Desktop Metal, the market leader in 3D printing for production. Its systems enable mass production of metal, ceramics and dental parts at higher speed and lower cost than previous processes. Chairman and co-founder of Lumafield, a company commercializing a new way to image 3D parts for production. Previously, 15-year career as an entrepreneur; General Partner, North Bridge (a VC fund with $3 billion AUM). Founder A123 Systems (invented and first to commercialize Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries). With North Bridge, was a founding investor and board member at, Dyn (acq NASDAQ: ORCL), Onshape (acq by NASDAQ: PTC), MarkForged (NASDAQ: MKFG), Salsify and Lytro (acq NASDAQ: GOOG); led the North Bridge software and 3D investing practices. Was the original Series A investor in companies that have changed the 3D landscape including ProtoLabs (NASDAQ: PRLB), SpaceClaim (acq. by Ansys), SolidWorks (acq NASDAQ: DASTY) and Revit (acq NASDAQ: ADSK). Former Member of the Board, Electric Drive Transportation Association and Endeavor Global. Avid pilot.



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