Pat Yongpradit

Chief Academic Officer,

Pat Yongpradit believes every student should have the opportunity to learn computer science. Pat is the Chief Academic Officer for, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting computer science education. As a national voice on K-12 computer science education, his passion is to bring computer science opportunities to every school and student in the United States. Throughout his career as a computer science teacher, he inspired students to create mobile games and apps for social causes, and implemented initiatives to broaden participation in computer science among underrepresented groups. As a result, enrollment in his school’s computer science program doubled, the number of girls taking advanced computer science tripled, and many of his students went on to majors and careers in computing. Pat has also written and consulted on technology curricula at the local, state and national level and in 2010 was recognized as a Microsoft Worldwide Innovative Educator. In 2013 he was featured in the book “American Teacher: Heroes in the Classroom.” He has certifications in biology, physics, math, health, and technology education. While Pat currently spends more time focused on CS education from a national perspective, he still continues to find ways to get into the classroom because he will never forget why he got into education: to work with students.



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