¿Qué lecciones podemos sacar de la Historia para entender los Estados Unidos en 2025? 3 expertos opinan
"Es una combinación excepcional, quizá única, de fragilidad y resiliencia".
"Es una combinación excepcional, quizá única, de fragilidad y resiliencia".
"La autosuficiencia es un camino hacia el declive económico. Ningún país, ni siquiera Estados Unidos o China, puede prosperar sin que los mercados reciban insumos del resto del mundo".
“It’s a remarkable, maybe unique, combination of fragility and resilience.”
“A lot of the decisions that affect global warming pollution emissions are not down to what the federal government in the US does.”
“Self-sufficiency is a path to economic decline. No country, even if you’re the United States or China, can prosper without the world markets getting inputs from the rest of the world.”
Last year was a pivotal year for democracy and the global economy. This year, geopolitical and geo-economic developments are looking equally significant as new governments come to power, ...
“I think society as a whole, we’ve become kind of addicted to plastic, probably unintentionally.”
“You don’t need to be an astronaut to go into space anymore.”
Los jóvenes están experimentando niveles crecientes de angustia, y las investigaciones sobre las tendencias de la salud mental de los adolescentes destacan un aumento significativo de la ...
Young people are experiencing growing levels of distress, with research on adolescent mental health trends highlighting a significant surge in anxiety and depression since the 2010s. What...
Almost a quarter of jobs (23%) are expected to change in the next five years, the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2023 found, with 69 million new jobs created and 83 million ...
Global inflation continues to ease in 2024, as reflected in the latest survey results from the Chief Economist Outlook, raising the question: what will happen with interest rates this year?
Amid deep economic uncertainty and a jobs outlook that is set to be upended, leaders and experts at the Growth Summit called for inclusive, sustainable and resilient growth.
COVID-19 put health systems across the world under stresses unprecedented in the modern era. With an estimated shortfall of 10 million workers in the sector by 2030, we need policies and ...