With advancements in technology, energy-efficient appliances are becoming more common, driving sustainability in households.
Bookstores are in steady decline worldwide, and Japan is no exception. According to the Research Institute for Publications, the number of bookstores in Japan has almost halved in two dec...
As the demand for diverse work styles continues to grow, more people seek jobs that allow them flexibility to work on their own schedules. A survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and...
Railways remain one of the most important means of transportation. In Japan, the railway network spans approximately 27,000 kilometres, about two-thirds of the Earth’s circumference, serv...
Groundwater is essential for drinking and irrigation. A new study warns, however, that it is being rapidly depleted in many parts of the world.
In January 2024, Japan was struck by a magnitude 7.6 earthquake on the Noto Peninsula, ushering in the new year with a stark reminder of nature’s might. As of 30 July, the earthquake has ...
As Japan’s population ages, senior employment in Japan (aged 60 and above) is steadily increasing. According to a report by the Japan Business Federation, the employment rate for individu...
Las olas de calor se han vuelto un fenómeno recurrente en el clima global en la década más calurosa de la historia. Este aumento de la temperatura ha tenido un impacto significativo en to...