How we bring AI into the physical world with autonomous systems
Autonomous systems are set to revolutionize how we move and work, where we live and how we interact with each other.
Dr. Maria J. Alonso leads the autonomous systems portfolio at the World Economic Forum. Prior to joining the World Economic Forum, she held mobility and road transport-related roles at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the World Bank, an international construction company and a transport consultancy boutique. Maria holds a PhD in new mobility services from Delft University of Technology, and she has co-authored multiple research publications. She also holds an MBA from Quantic School of Business and Technology, a M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Technical University of Munich (TUM), and a M.Eng. in Civil Engineering from Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
Autonomous systems are set to revolutionize how we move and work, where we live and how we interact with each other.
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