BA in Economics; BA in East Asian Languages and Literature; JD; LLM in International Legal Studies; PhD, University of St Gallen. With World Economic Forum: 2001-02, Director, Annual Meeting Programme, New York; 2004-08, Senior Director for Asia; currently, Head of Global Programming; since 2009, Managing Director and since 2011, Member of the Managing Board, responsible for the Annual Meeting in Davos, Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China and Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils in the UAE; Editor-in-Chief, Global Risks Report (7th and 8th editions). Formerly Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Deputy Director, Japan Society; Consultant to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees; and Senior Policy Adviser, USAID. Currently also serving as Member, Board of Trustees, EAT Foundation and Lecturer, University of St. Gallen (CEMS) .
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge public and private sector leaders around the globe. The cautious optimism around mass vaccination programmes is countered by growing concerns ...
Plus de 180 pays et territoires ont confirmé un cas de coronavirus et le nombre de cas dans le monde s'élève à plus de 870 000. Comme une énorme tempête qui s'avance, la crise menace non ...
Más de 180 países y territorios han confirmado un caso de coronavirus, y la cantidad de casos a nivel mundial ha superado los 870.000. Como un gigantesco frente de tormenta, la crisis ame...
More than 180 countries and territories have confirmed a case of coronavirus, and the number of cases worldwide has reached more than 870,000. Like a massive storm front, the crisis threa...
A recent headline, Narcissists Horrible People but Happy struck a nerve globally, at least on the social media channels that I follow. The story focused on research by Queen’s University ...
Though belief in globalism – a top-down conspiracy to impose an international system that trumps national sovereignty – may be dead, globalization is alive and well. An effective and resi...
Looking back at the collapse of Lehman Brothers a decade ago, it is easy to think that another debt-driven crash could arrive sometime in the near future. But the most consequential trend...
If you are using a mobile device to read this, the idea of a hyper-connected world is likely not new to you; the idea of a fractured world, on the other hand, may come as a surprise. Time...
In an era of divisive social media and partisan “fake news,” the notion that “actions speak louder than words” is no longer true. As we are rediscovering, words are both powerful and prob...
“It is better to know how to learn than to know.” - Dr Seuss The year 2016 provided ample evidence that leaders rely far too much on expert predictions and probabilistic assumptions, jud...
Leadership is about defining what the future should look like and getting stakeholders not only to share but develop that future together.