Children born in 2018 will probably never experience these things
It’s All Coming Back to Me Now
It’s All Coming Back to Me Now
Tomorrow’s Teachers
In brief
Doctors on Call
虚拟世界 随着2016年3月的虚拟现实头戴显示器Oculus Rift的发布,虚拟现实时代正式到来。自90年代以来,虚拟现实科技便总是处于风口浪尖,但是Oculus Rift是第一件面向消费者市场的高端虚拟现实系统,同时早期检验证实其可以给用户带来他们想要的体验。 虚拟现实终于成真。 对虚拟现实的研究在这个新时代迅速发展,专家们很快找到了创造性的方法让虚拟体验更具有身...
The Virtual World
A Greener Germany
The Strehler-Mildvan correlation
A renewable 3-in-1
The rise of the robot workforce
The algorithm of music
Better brain models
A team of scientists from five universities in the UK may be close to finding a cure for HIV as their experimental drug treatments have caused the virus to vanish from a 44-year-old man’s...