India’s opportunity in a multiconceptual world
Our world is undergoing a series of transformational shifts occurring at an exponential speed. These shifts bear promise as well as peril. Galloping progress in science and the advent of ...
Klaus Schwab holds a Doctorate in Engineering and a Doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute Zurich and the University of Fribourg and an MPA from Harvard University. Formerly managed the restructuring of a leading Swiss machine building group and was Professor of Business Policy in Geneva until 2003. Author of Modern Management (1970), conceptualizing stakeholder capitalism, and The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2017). 1971, created and became the Chairman of the World Economic Forum, to build a platform where business leaders can meet, interact and collaborate with stakeholders from government and society. Built it from a simple idea into an international organization and a leading global platform for public-private cooperation. Has held multiple board memberships and international advisory positions. Together with his wife Hilde, created the Schwab Foundation in 1998 to promote social entrepreneurship and innovation. Recipient of international awards, national distinctions, honorary professorships and doctorates for thought leadership and for the Forum’s achievements in enhancing global cooperation and several political reconciliation efforts. Has 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Hobbies include sports and culture.
Our world is undergoing a series of transformational shifts occurring at an exponential speed. These shifts bear promise as well as peril. Galloping progress in science and the advent of ...
With the passing of Peter, the World Economic Forum has lost a great friend and a personality who was absolutely essential for building the Forum into a true international organization wi...
Nous sommes à l’aube d’une révolution technologique qui va fondamentalement changer nos relations aux autres ainsi que notre façon de vivre et de travailler. Ces changements, dans leur im...
Durante la Asamblea General de la ONU esta semana habrá muchas discusiones sobre la mejor manera de acelerar el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Estos 17 obje...
During the UN General Assembly this week there will be many discussions on how best to accelerate delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These seventeen global goals, agreed by...
Durante una cena en Singapur que tuvimos hace no mucho tiempo, intentamos determinar qué cualidades hacen grande a un líder. Los cinco elementos clave para Klaus fueron el corazón, el ce...
Not long ago, over dinner in Singapore, we attempted to define what qualities make a great leader. For Klaus, the five key elements were heart, brain, muscle, nerve, and soul. For Kishore...
La victoria de Emmanuel Macron en la elección presidencial francesa es la señal más certera de que, después de una serie de crisis y contratiempos, Europa puede estar recuperando cierta d...
Europe has its confidence back. After a series of setbacks, Europe’s centre has held in the face of an electoral assault from both political flanks.
The world is at a historic crossroads. Market extremism, often labelled neoliberalism, which has shaped our national and global policies for the past three decades, has become a toxic fue...
Leaders have to be responsive and responsible; they must understand that we are living in a world marked by uncertainty, volatility and deep transformational changes. Many people are livi...
Como se ha demostrado el año pasado, los líderes deben responder a las demandas de las personas que les han encomendado liderar, al mismo tiempo que proporcionan una visión y un camino ad...
As the past year has demonstrated, leaders must be responsive to the demands of the people who have entrusted them to lead, while also providing a vision and a way forward, so that people...
It is a great honour for the World Economic Forum to be a partner of this World Forum on Sport and Culture.
El surgimiento de nuevas tecnologías es tan veloz que ya nos cuesta manejar su impacto en la sociedad. Los cambios tecnológicos afectan todos los aspectos de la vida, desde la naturaleza ...