Leading and co-developing a portfolio of insights for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. One of the co-authors of the 16th edition of the Global Gender Gap Report, launched July 2022.
For the past twelve years, I have worked to advance Gender Justice and Women’s Rights in Latin America and Australia and the Pacific, collaborating across a range of civil society, policy research, and international development organisations.
En 2024, el mayor año electoral de la historia, 2000 millones de personas decidirá en las urnas. No sólo determinarán los partidos gobernantes de los países, sino también la distribución ...
The biggest election year in history, 2024 will see 2 billion people go to the polls. They will not only determine countries’ ruling parties, but they will shape the gender split of gover...
Changing the world is a slow business. It requires consistent everyday gains to compound and mature over time to generate significant returns. The care economy is also a slow investment, ...
Hay una inversión que produce intereses crecientes a largo plazo: las personas.
There is one investment that yields incremental interest in the long term, and that is people.
Women have and continue to lead the path to change. In the past five years, women have increased their stake in senior leadership globally to 31%, diversifying the face and focus of decis...
La edición 2022 del Informe Global de Brecha de Género proyecta que, al ritmo actual de avance, América Latina y el Caribe alcanzará la paridad de género en 67 años, es decir, en 2089. En...