6 steps to build a more cooperative world
Over the past decade, the state of global cooperation has remained “surprisingly robust”, according to the World Economic Forum and McKinsey’s Global Cooperation Barometer 2024.
Over the past decade, the state of global cooperation has remained “surprisingly robust”, according to the World Economic Forum and McKinsey’s Global Cooperation Barometer 2024.
"History is replete with parties at odds with one another, but still seeking opportunities for collaboration."
As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become increasingly advanced, many people have developed anxieties over the potential for AI to make human skills, jobs, or even the human species ...
This article was originally published in 2021. It was updated in November 2023.
Every year, less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled, according to the United Nations Environment Programme, leading to an estimated 400 million tonnes of waste.
Less than half of businesses have identified climate risks they consider would have a significant financial or strategic impact and are not prioritizing climate change adaptation, accordi...
From creating the oxygen we breathe, to the food we eat, plants are essential to human existence. But they’re dying out 500 times faster than they did before we walked the Earth.
"Let's get healthcare to focus on results and not on activities. It's as simple as that really."
Micaela Mantegna has given herself a job title. She’s the world’s first “abogamer” – a video game lawyer specializing in regulation, copyright and the uncharted digital world of the metav...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has upgraded its GDP growth forecasts for China in 2023 and 2024. It now expects China's economy to grow by 5.4% this year, up from its previous fore...
Casi la mitad (el 44%) de las competencias de los trabajadores se verán alteradas, según el último informe del Foro Económico Mundial sobre los empleos del mañana, que se centra en los em...
世界经济论坛全球未来理事会自然与安全未来议题组成员、Planet公司首席影响官Andrew Zolli表示,“所有的人类经济、社会与安全都要依靠自然。我们都是地球的子集,而非相反。”Planet是一家研究太空和人工智能的公司,利用卫星观察地球以及人类给地球带来的变化。