'Manels' only tell half the story. Here’s how all of us can fight for women speakers
• Leading scientists are beginning to recognize the need for equality on panels.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Wildtype Media Group, Asia's leading STEM-focused media company, spanning digital, print, custom publishing and events. BA and MA in Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; PhD in Biology and postdoctoral research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. Recipient of honours and awards, including: L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science National Fellowship; 2013 Singapore Youth Award; 2014 MIT Technology Review's 10 Innovators Under 35 (Asia). Her research work into drug delivery and nanomedicine has been featured by the BBC, MIT Technology Review and South China Morning Post. Inventor on four US patents, three of which have been licensed for commercialization. Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum. Member, World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Selection Committee.
• Leading scientists are beginning to recognize the need for equality on panels.
The study of evolution allows us to reconstruct the past and to understand how life evolved from simple to complex organisms. Evolutionary reasoning can help us make sense of the biggest ...