在全球脱碳的大背景下,清洁氢已成为能源转型的关键因素。它在降低存在减排困难部门的温室气体(GHG)排放方面潜力巨大,是实现可持续未来的一个关键因素。拉丁美洲能源组织(OLADE)执行秘书Andrés Rebolledo说:“拉丁美洲拥有丰富的可再生资源,有望成为全球清洁氢经济的重要参与者。此外,对清洁氢基础设施的投资有助于解决能源安全问题,并推动整个地区的经济增长。”通过...
在全球脱碳的大背景下,清洁氢已成为能源转型的关键因素。它在降低存在减排困难部门的温室气体(GHG)排放方面潜力巨大,是实现可持续未来的一个关键因素。拉丁美洲能源组织(OLADE)执行秘书Andrés Rebolledo说:“拉丁美洲拥有丰富的可再生资源,有望成为全球清洁氢经济的重要参与者。此外,对清洁氢基础设施的投资有助于解决能源安全问题,并推动整个地区的经济增长。”通过...
En el panorama mundial de la descarbonización, el hidrógeno limpio se ha convertido en un elemento crucial para la transición energética. Su potencial para reducir las emisiones de gases ...
In the global decarbonization landscape, clean hydrogen has become a crucial element for the energy transition. Its potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in hard-to-abate sec...
COP28 and the World Economic Forum’s 2024 Annual Meeting in Davos have been at the forefront of climate news of late, but there have also been exciting developments elsewhere.
In July 2023, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that, “Novel applications in heavy industry and long-distance transport [will] account for one-third of global hydrogen demand...
Clean hydrogen is pegged as a cornerstone of the transition to a net-zero future, with the ability to contribute to industrial decarbonization, power generation, energy security and trans...
Concrete and cement, which account for approximately 7% of global CO2 emissions, are facing several trends with potentially far-reaching cost implications.