Debt, GDP, planet degradation, AI shelf-life and women in government: Davos 2025 in five stats
It’s a daunting task to boil down something like the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos to just five numbers.
It’s a daunting task to boil down something like the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos to just five numbers.
Not so long ago, the US hit a remarkable milestone.
El término "arancel" apareció 23 veces en el más reciente informe Chief Economists Outlook del Foro Económico Mundial. Y con razón.
The term “tariff” appeared 23 times in the most recent World Economic Forum Chief Economists Outlook. And for good reason.
In any economy, it’s always about producing more with less – owing to new ideas, technology, and people able to make creative use of both. Think electricity circa the late 19th century, o...
Divergence and fragmentation.
As World War Two drew to a close, the US military set out to examine the effectiveness of dropping nearly 2.7 million tons of Allied bombs on German cities. The resulting surveys revealed...
“It codifies your culture.”
“The money is in America.”
Hacia mediados del siglo pasado, para muchas personas era evidente que mejorar la nociva calidad del aire de Londres requeriría eliminar los tradicionales fogones de carbón de los hogares...
Shortly after Hamas launched its surprise attack on Israel last October, channels used by the terrorist group on Telegram lit up with images of the ensuing atrocities.
By the middle of the last century, it was clear to many people that improving the noxious air quality in London would require ridding households of their traditional coal fires. George Or...
No hace mucho tiempo, cuando la mayor atención en la carrera presidencial de Estados Unidos se centraba en la selección del compañero de fórmula, las encuestas, o incluso una muerte de os...
Not so long ago, when most attention paid to the US presidential race was focused on running-mate selection, polling, or even a previously unexplained bear fatality, the winner of America...