Jeremy Jurgens is Managing Director & Head of the Forum's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is responsible for the Member and Partner companies essential to the mission of the Forum as the International Organisation for Public-Private Cooperation. His responsibilities include oversight of all industry initiatives, innovation and technology pioneer communities, the Forum’s offices in China, India and Japan as well as the Centre for Cybersecurity. He has served in various functions since 1999 including Chief Information Officer, Chief Representative China, the head of the Annual Meeting in Davos and the architect of the Forum’s Strategic Intelligence Platform.
Prior to joining the Forum, Jeremy Jurgens has worked at Microsoft, Patagonia and the Japanese Ministry of Finance. He holds a Master in Education from Harvard University and a BA in Economics and International Relations, from Claremont McKenna College.
History has a way of revealing patterns we might otherwise miss. In the halls of the Santa Fe Institute, where complexity science was born, researcher W. Brian Arthur laid the groundwork ...
The growing global quantum divide between countries with established quantum technology programmes and those without will lead to significant imbalances in core areas such as cybersecurit...
En el centro de los debates sobre tecnología en Davos 2024 hubo un creciente reconocimiento de que el futuro de la IA no debe limitarse a los extremos. Además, las conversaciones no versa...
At the heart of discussions around technology at Davos 2024 was a growing recognition that AI's future should not be confined to extremes. You may also be surprised to read that conversat...
Krishna, a smallholding farmer, diligently cultivates his half-hectare plot in Telangana, India, every day. For this, he earns $120 per month—just enough to meet his family's basic needs.
The last time the World Economic Forum held its “Summer-Davos” in Tianjin, China, in 2018, experts predicted artificial intelligence (AI) would be a technology to transform our world. Tod...
La IA (Inteligencia Artificial) generativa está demostrando ser una fuerza transformadora de nuestras economías y sociedades. Su rápido desarrollo en los últimos meses subraya el papel vi...
Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) is proving to be a transformative force on our economies and societies. Its rapid development in recent months underscores AI's vital role as the f...
This article originally appeared on Fortune.com.
Driving emissions out of the steel sector is key to broader decarbonization. It has the potential to provide early wins that can help keep warming to below 1.5°C, with low costs to the in...
As our world continues to wrestle with how to decarbonize the economy while protecting jobs and industry, we find ourselves with a unique vantage point as leaders of global organizations....