10 must-read economics stories of the week
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion
Expert on economic development and development finance who serves as a non-executive board member in not-for-profit and development-focused entities. Former Vice President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development of the African Development Bank Group, based in Cote d’Ivoire, where she was responsible for overseeing the Bank’s strategy, lending and programming for a significant share of the Bank’s activities including agriculture and agroindustry; water management and sanitation; and education and healthcare, as well as the cross-cutting themes of job creation and gender empowerment. Prior to that she was Chief Economist at the World Economic Forum, in Geneva, overseeing economic research activities and analysis and represented the World Economic Forum externally on key global economic issues, and with a particular focus on economic development and inclusive growth. Before joining the World Economic Forum, she worked as a management consultant in the banking and financial sector for Eurogroup Consulting (Mazars Group) in Paris. Blanke was until 2019 a member of the Canadian Government’s Advisory Council on Economic Growth. She holds a BA in International Relations from Hamilton College; a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University; and a PhD in International Economics from the Graduate Institute, Geneva.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion
2016年的诺贝尔经济学奖颁发给了两位经济学家:哈佛大学的奥利弗·哈特和麻省理工大学的本特·霍尔姆斯特伦,以表彰他们在契约理论方面的研究贡献。尽管契约理论听上去更像一个法务实践课题,但事实证明,理解契约理论的模型构造,对于我们理解很多经济行为和现象而言至关重要。 诺贝尔经济学奖是什么? 诺贝尔经济学奖的全名是“瑞典中央银行纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔经济学奖”,在1968年...
This year’s Nobel Prize in Economics has gone to two economists, Oliver Hart from Harvard University, and Bengt Holmström from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for their work on...
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories in economic growth and social inclusion – featuring the release of the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2016-17.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
En tanto el pueblo y la élite del ámbito monetario regresan a sus oficinas después de su ceremonia anual en Jackson Hole, muchos observadores probablemente se pregunten cuál es la función...
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
As the great and the good of monetary policy return to their offices from their yearly pow-wow in Jackson Hole, many observers are probably wondering what it is that central bankers actua...
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.
A list of some of the week’s most interesting stories on economic growth and social inclusion.