October 2009, elected President, FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) - the governing body for world motor sport and the federation of the world's motoring organizations; December 2013 and December 2017, re-elected President. The federation works across two key interlinked areas of activity - sport and mobility. In the realm of mobility, the FIA aims to ensure that safe, affordable and clean systems of transport are available to all. Made road safety a priority of the federation through the FIA Action for Road Safety campaign, launched in 2011 in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. The campaign is based on global advocacy for road safety, supporting action on the ground by its 246 member clubs in nearly 145 countries, represent more than 80 million people, building institutional and commercial partnerships as well as mobilizing the motor sport community to promote road safety. April 2015, appointed Special Envoy for Road Safety by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. March 2017, confirmed by UNSG Antonio Guterres. January 2018, appointed to the Board of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens.
Faced with deteriorating infrastructure, heightened distractions from cell phones and other technology, new types of mobility and ever more cars on the road, the number of traffic crash f...
With road crashes remaining the number one cause of death for children and young adults aged five to 29, it is a welcome coincidence that this year, World Children’s Day and World Day of ...
An estimated 42% of the 105,000 road traffic deaths recorded annually in the 56 countries of the UNECE region occur in built-up areas (2017 figures).