Harsh leads World Economic Forum's program on research and analysis on energy transition, which supports governments and businesses with transparent fact-base, actionable frameworks, and forward-looking strategies for transition to a sustainable, secure, and inclusive energy system. He has authored a series of flagship publications on energy transition and industrial decarbonization, and leads stakeholder engagement programs on effective energy transition in multiple countries.
Prior to joining the Forum, he worked across MNC's, think tanks, and startups on sustainability challenges in India. He led strategy and growth initiatives for GE's Water and Wastewater business, designed evidence-based policies for industrial decarbonization at Poverty Action Lab, and developed business models for off-grid electrification in Bihar at Husk Power Systems.
He holds a Masters in Public Administration with concentration in Energy and Environmental Policy from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
El cambio climático agrava las desigualdades económicas y sociales, pero sin políticas públicas adecuadas también lo hará la transición verde. Esto es lo que señalan los ejecutivos encues...
Climate change exacerbates inequalities – but without adequate policies so too will the green transition, executives fear.
The G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers' communiqué recalls that we are facing a triple global crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, in addition to the globa...
We are in the midst of an energy crisis the likes of which we haven’t seen since the 1970s. The decisions leaders make now about decarbonization will determine our collective future. Get ...
The COP27 conference progresses amidst the backdrop of surmounting evidence that the time to act on delivering a net-zero transformation is shrinking fast. The 2021 assessment report by t...
This article was first published in The Strait Times
The global energy transition has crossed many milestones over the past decade, surpassing most expectations. Thanks to technological innovation, entrepreneurship and risk-taking by policy...
L'année 2020 devait être un tournant dans la transition énergétique mondiale. Les pays devaient faire le bilan de leurs contributions déterminées au niveau national pour atteindre les obj...
The year 2020 was supposed to be a turning point in the global energy transition. The production and consumption of energy accounts for two-thirds of annual global anthropogenic emissions...