Working together to reach net zero: How to transform manufacturing and value chains
A stark picture of the future of our planet was painted when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released its Sixth Assessment Report.
Dr.-Ing.Dipl.Wirt.-Ing. Gunter Beitinger studied industrial engineering and business administra-tion. After 5 years as a research collaborator at the University of Erlangen, he started his career 1999 with Siemens and held since than various responsibilities in countries like Mexico and USA and in different operational companies like SIEMENS VDO Automotive, Siemens Healthe-neers, Process and Drives (PD) and now Digital Industry (DI).
He worked as a Management Consultant, as Director of Industrial Engineering and Plant Man-ager for a Motor Plant in Mexico.
His current role is Vice-President Manufacturing of the Business Unit Factory Automation at the Operational Company Digital Factory and he leads in this function several plants.
He also leads the digital transformation for over 34 plants of the Division Digital Industry to develop and define the Digital Transformation Roadmap.