「希望を持って行動を」- 気候変動対策キャンペーンが心を揺さぶる理由
Hoffmann Impact Professor for Accelerating Action on Nature & Climate, University of Exeter Business School (UK); Founder, Arctic Basecamp at Davos (2017-2025); Co-Founder of Climate Basecamp with Rainn Wilson; and runs the Nature & Climate Impact Team at the University of Exeter.. She is a contributor to the World Economic Forum's Stories, member of WEF's Earth Decides community, past member of the Tech for Climate Adaptation Working Group & Global Future Council on Frontier Risk. She is a social scientist and expert on global risk and analyses how a range of actors (companies, policymakers, civil society, and local communities) make sense of ecological change and global risk, and how these actors transform and build resilience across scales given environmental pressures and social inequities. She has been the Professor-in-Residence at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development since 2012. Her research has been published in Nature, the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Ecology & Society, etc. Research aims to help organizations deal more effectively with sustainability challenges. Has led or is leading a number of large research grants related to sustainability and climate change, including philanthropic donations in support of science communication. She founded and is the Executive Director of the not-for-profit Arctic Basecamp which runs a flagship event in Davos alongside the Forum's Annual Meeting.
Our planet Earth is in trouble — 2023 was the hottest year on record at 1.48 degrees Centigrade above pre-industrial averages, a trend that continues in all parts of the globe. This leads...
As Dwight Schrute – the lead character from US TV show The Office – might put it, “Fact! Climate change is the biggest threat to the future of humanity.”
Go to a corporate headquarters, parliament or international conference, and it won’t be long before you see the colourful circle of a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pin shining from...
Desde 1979, la capa de hielo marino estival (de verano) del Ártico ha disminuido casi un 13% por década debido al aumento de las temperaturas globales. En junio de este año, los científic...
Since 1979, the Arctic's summer ice cover has diminished by almost 13% per decade due to rising global temperatures. In June this year, scientists announced that the Arctic’s summer sea i...
This week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its latest synthesis of climate science. It restated that we are well on the path to irreversible climate catastr...
Conventional wisdom advises us to focus on the mega risks – the “grey rhinos” – in our near future. While these high-impact, high-likelihood risks can’t be ignored, in dynamic systems it’...
LANCASTER, Royaume-Uni – Les climatologues savent depuis des années que l'Arctique connaît un réchauffement bien plus rapide par rapport à toutes les autres zones de la planète. Mais même...
Each January many of us think about what old habits we can let go of and what new things can we bring into our world. Arctic scientists think about things in a different way: how can we h...
Last year will be remembered for many things, both good and bad. But one thing that seems undeniable is the mesmerizing impact of Sir David Attenborough’s BBC TV series Blue Planet II, wh...
Arctic scientists aren’t usually afraid of a little cold. Windy conditions don’t usually get us howling. The beasts we pay attention to are usually polar bears. But last week’s “Beast fro...
For most of the year, Greenland is white, but things are starting to change. Currently, Greenland is losing 350 gigatonnes of ice annually – 50% from ice melt, and 50% from glaciers movin...
Humans are naturally risk-averse. We try to avoid disaster zones, and don’t like to fly when there appear to be mechanical problems or heavy fog. However, often information about risk is ...
New Year’s Eve is a foggy memory for most of us during the summer. But for the Arctic, the effects of the hangover linger on.