PhD in Law, Complutense University, Madrid. 1990-2005, chief adviser to several representatives and senators at National Congress, advised Constitutional Committee of House of Representatives and Senate; two years as Chief Adviser, National Accounting Office. Consulted on anti-corruption and transparency related issues with international organizations and NGOs; worked on projects promoting greater transparency and accountability in the area of political campaign and party financing. Researcher, CEPPA Foundation, Buenos Aires. 2008-10, President, Poder Ciudadano, Transparency International's National Chapter in Argentina. Currently, Chair, Transparency International. Author of numerous publications, including on democratic culture and political institutions, comparative politics, government by decree, public and parliamentary ethics, political financing and electoral systems.
The war in Ukraine makes painfully clear that financial markets and anti-corruption are intimately intertwined with global security and democratic prosperity.
Imagine your son is sick with a chronic disease for which he needs to take pills daily. The local hospital is supposed to provide medication for free, but when you arrive, the staff tell ...