Digitally transforming the humanitarian industry
When you’re pulling people from rubble after missile strikes, or tending to injuries in a tent, or worrying about getting the next truck with medical and food supplies past military check...
Charlotte Lindsey-Curtet
ICRC Director of Communication and Information Management
ICRC's Director of Communication and Information Management since July
2010, Charlotte's responsibilities include public and corporate
communication, ICT, Archives & Information Management and Data Protection.
Charlotte leads the development and implementation of the ICRC's
Information Environment Strategy and digital transformation.
Charlotte joined the ICRC in 1993 and has previously held the following
positions: the deputy Director of Communication, deputy head of division
for policy and Movement relations, Head of the Women and War Project, as
well as serving for five years in varous ICRC field delegations.
Charlotte Lindsey-Curtet has a degree in business studies and a master's
degree in communication management. She is author of Women facing War.
When you’re pulling people from rubble after missile strikes, or tending to injuries in a tent, or worrying about getting the next truck with medical and food supplies past military check...
Many times over the years, I’ve asked myself what it would take for me to do what millions of internally displaced persons, refugees and migrants have done: leave behind all my belongings...