Chantal Line Carpentier

Head, Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch, Division for International Trade, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Chantal Line Carpentier is Head of the Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch of the UN Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD). She was previously Chief of UNCTAD’s New York Office of the Secretary General where she supported macroeconomics and sustainable development inter-governmental negotiations. She is a campaigner for new economic models of sustainable development, and an advocate of the critical role of small businesses and entrepreneurs in the economic empowerment of women and youth. She also chairs the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy. Having facilitated the engagement of NGOs, the private sector, local authorities among others in the SDGs negotiations and the UN Rio+20 Conference, she is keen on brokering cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary partnerships.
She is a 2006 Yale World Fellow and a United Nations Environment Programme with a PhD. in Agro-Environmental Economics from Virginia Technology and MSc. and BSc. from McGill University and is an ironman and ultramarathoner.



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