3 leaders on creating a pipeline for female talent in business
• The case for gender equality has been made, but there is a lag to action.
Degree in Business, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Experience across P&G’s broad portfolio of brands, working in Canada, the US and Europe; currently leads P&G’s $29 billion business in North America, the company’s largest and most profitable region; Executive Sponsor, P&G’s Gender Equality efforts. Member of the Board: Kellogg Company; Grocery Manufacturers Association; Cincinnati Museum Center.
• The case for gender equality has been made, but there is a lag to action.
The data is clear: an equal world is a better world for all of us. When equality grows, communities are healthier, businesses are stronger, economies rise – and the world is a better plac...
在去年1月的世界经济论坛年会上,我们安排了“职场中的女性:传闻 vs. 现实”的装置。在为期四天的会议中,各国领导亲身体验了该装置,了解女性在职场中面对的传闻与现实。对于很多人来说,这是振奋人心的时刻,因为他们了解到,常常被人们认为是事实的传闻其实并没有现实基础。然而,这些传闻却会影响现实世界。
We launched the “Women at Work: Myth vs. Reality” installation on the promenade of Davos last January. For four days, leaders from around the world stepped into the installation and immer...
That unfamiliar sound you’ve been hearing in recent months? It’s the voice of women. Women speaking up about sexual harassment, and decrying the wage gap in industries from entertainment ...