Bruce Jones

Senior Fellow, Center for Security, Strategy and Technology, Brookings Institution

Bruce Jones is Senior Fellow in the Strobe Talbott Center on Security, Strategy and Technology, at the Brookings Institution.
Jones’ research expertise and policy experience is in international security. His current research focus is on U.S. strategy, US-China naval competition, and international order. His most recent book on the topic is To Rule the Waves, on great power naval competition. He is also the author of "Still Ours to Lead: America, Rising Powers, and the Tension between Rivalry and Restraint"; (Brookings Institution Press, 2014). He is also co-author with Carlos Pascual and Stephen Stedman of "Power and Responsibility: Building International Order in an Era of Transnational Threats"; (Brookings Institution Press, 2009); and co-editor with Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu and Pratap Bhanu Mehta of "Shaping the Emerging World: India and the Multilateral Order"; (Brookings Press, 2013). Other publications include “The State of the International Order,” with Thomas Wright (Brookings, 2014); “Managing a Changing World” (Foreign Policy, March 2011); and “How Do Rising Powers Rise?” (Survival, December 2010). Jones is currently also conducting research on the intersection between geopolitics and the energy revolution, on which he co-authored the recently released book titled "Risk Pivot: Great Powers, International Security and the Energy Revolution"; (Brookings Institution Press, 2014). Other publications include: with David Steven and Emily O’Brien, “Fueling the New Order” (Brookings, April 2014); and with David Steven and Andrew Hart, “Chill Out: Why Cooperation is Balancing Conflict Among Major Powers in the New Arctic” (Brookings, 2012).

Jones has extensive experience and expertise on intervention and crisis management. He served in the United Nations' operation in Kosovo, and was special assistant to the U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process. He is co-editor with Shepard Forman and Richard Gowan of "Cooperating for Peace and Security" (Cambridge University Press, 2009) and author of "Peacemaking in Rwanda: The Dynamics of Failures" (Lynne Reinner, 2001). He has also served in advisory positions for the U.S. State Department and the World Bank on fragile states, including as senior external advisor to the World Bank’s "2011 World Development Report on Conflict, Security and Development."

Jones also has significant experience on multilateral institutions. He was a senior advisor to Kofi Annan on U.N. reform and served as deputy research director to the U.N.'s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, as well as lead scholar for the International Task Force on Global Public Goods.

Related publications include “Beyond Blocs: The West, Rising Powers and Interest-Based International Cooperation” (The Stanley Foundation, October 2011); “Libya and the Responsibilities of Power” (Survival, June 2011); and “The G8 and the Threat of Bloc Politics in the International System” (Brookings, May 2011).
Jones has written for, appeared with, or been cited by: CNN; BBC World Service; The New York Times; Los Angeles Times; NPR; The Huffington Post; Project Syndicate; "The Tavis Smiley Show"; Al Jazeera English; Reuters; Voice of America; CCTV; and Sky News.
He holds a doctorate from the London School of Economics, and he was the Hamburg fellow in conflict prevention at Stanford University.



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