These are the world's most digitally advanced countries
It is barely 20 years since Sergey Brin and Larry Page registered the domain name google.com, and only 10 years since Steve Jobs walked onto a stage in San Francisco and introduced the iP...
BA (Hons) in Economics, Delhi Univ.; MA, Delhi School of Economics; PhD in Economics and Univ. Fellow, Univ. of Rochester. More than 25 years as consultant and educator. Formerly: Partner, McKinsey & Co. and Leader, Innovation and Global Forces practices and Member, Knowledge Services Cttee; Faculty, Harvard Business School and Harvard Univ. Center for the Environment; Distinguished Scholar, MIT Legatum Center for Dev. and Entrepreneurship; Partner and Thought Leader, Monitor Group; Faculty, Bellcore, Univ. of Illinois; Officer, TAS. Currently, Senior Associate Dean, Int'l Business and Finance, The Fletcher School, Tufts Univ.; Founding Exec. Director, Institute for Business in the Global Context; Professor of Practice. Author: The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World; over 70 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, newspaper articles and op-eds, book chapters and HBS case studies.
It is barely 20 years since Sergey Brin and Larry Page registered the domain name google.com, and only 10 years since Steve Jobs walked onto a stage in San Francisco and introduced the iP...
Given political climates around the world and a new wariness around international cooperation, the private sector could find itself in the hot seat: trying to pick up the slack on big iss...
Did India just pull off a monetary and political miracle?
It is already the start of the third month of 2017. We have been so absorbed with the daily barrage of news from Washington DC and Mar-a-Lago, and news about news, both fake and real, tha...
“Time has come for everyone, particularly my young friends, to embrace e-banking, mobile banking and more such technology”. So said Narendra Modi, doubling up as the nation’s digital evan...
At the Stockholm Tech Fest this year, Swedish entrepreneur Niklas Zennström issued a rare and refreshing call to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their next startu...
This U.S. presidential election season is leading us to rethink a lot of norms. But while it feels like a lot of our political conventional wisdom is getting turned on its head, one thing...
The fact that many businesses are actively participating in the UN 2030 Agenda to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is both exciting and essential. That said, there is a si...
Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the 17th is the odd one out. As “Partnerships for the Goals”, it is a goal that helps you get to the other 16 goals. For most businesses committed...
The summer is heating up with reminders that the first anniversary of the launch of the 2030 Agenda is not far – and when it comes to implementing sustainable development worldwide, time ...
Brexit, as the British referendum to exit the EU is widely called, has caused turmoil in politics and stocks and head-shaking among the UK’s partners. All of this, of course, comes on the...
Bemoaning the state of innovativeness, Peter Thiel — don of the PayPal mafia, Silicon Valley VC, and most recently revealed as the nemesis of Gawker — remarked, “We asked for flying cars....
The UN General Assembly committed to “eliminate poverty in all its forms everywhere” by 2030, when it met in New York last year. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched wit...
“The Smartest Places on Earth” by Antoine van Agtamael and Fred Bakker is a smart book.
It’s been nearly 300 years since paper money became accepted as legal tender. While much has changed about how we make, sell, and buy goods, cash has stuck around. It’s been only recently...