Can AI fix the gender gap in STEM? Here's what the data says
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of work, promising to address pressing economic issues such as improving people's productivity and generating new jobs.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of work, promising to address pressing economic issues such as improving people's productivity and generating new jobs.
El progreso para cerrar la brecha global de género avanza demasiado lento. En 2024, la brecha se había cerrado en un 68,6% – solo un 0,1% más que el año anterior, según el informe anual d...
Progress towards closing the global gender gap is moving too slowly. In 2024, the gap was 68.6% closed – up only 0.1% from the year before, according to the World Economic Forum’s annual ...
Many of us get on a bike when we feel like it, regardless of age or gender. But Masomah Ali Zada, Olympic cyclist and Chef de Mission for the Refugee Olympic Team at Paris 2024, had to fi...
La política comercial ya no consiste únicamente en promover la eficiencia y la productividad en el intercambio de bienes y servicios. Los gobiernos utilizan cada vez más el comercio para ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds great potential for improving the world's overburdened healthcare systems. An insight report from the World Economic Forum’s Digital Healthcare Transfor...
地球上で最大の二酸化炭素吸収源である海洋は、排出量と気候変動との闘いにおける知られざるヒーローです。海洋は、排出される二酸化炭素の4分の1を吸収 し、排出二酸化炭素が引き起こす過剰な熱の90%を吸収しています。
Trade policy is no longer just there to promote efficiency and productivity in the flow of goods and services, with governments increasingly using trade to achieve non-trade objectives (N...
Como mayor sumidero de carbono de la Tierra, nuestros océanos son los héroes anónimos de la lucha contra las emisiones y el cambio climático. Absorben una cuarta parte de todas las emisio...
As the largest carbon sink on Earth, our ocean is the unsung heroes of the fight against emissions and climate change. They absorb a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions and 90% of the...
La IA generativa está expandiendo cada vez más los horizontes de la ciencia, la industria, los servicios públicos y nuestra vida cotidiana. Al mismo tiempo, sigue siendo una tecnología en...
The immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for productivity and economic growth is well documented, but its social and environmental impact has received much less exposure.
Generative AI is drawing ever wider circles across science, industry, public services and our daily lives. At the same time, it’s still a rapidly evolving technology. This piece rounds up...