Ali Bongo Ondimba

President of Gabon, Office of the President of Gabon

Doctorate in Law, University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. 1981, entered political life; 1984, founding Secretary-General, Political Bureau, Gabon Democratic Party; 1989-91, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gabon; Member, National Assembly; 1996, Head, Higher Council of Islamic Affairs, Gabon; 1999-2009, Defence Minister, created Prytanée Military School and set up Army teaching hospital; since October 2009, President of Gabon, launched large-scale economic and infrastructure projects and political and administrative reforms. Spokesperson for Africa on biodiversity, following pan-African Conference on Biodiversity, Libreville. Composer of musical pieces, including for the trailer of the film Orega, directed by Marcel Sanja. Interests: history, football, classical music, jazz and bossa nova.



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